Kamis, 15 April 2010
"Pop", The King Of Music
Pop music (a term that originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular") is usually understood to be commercially recorded music, often oriented towards a youth market, usually consisting of relatively short and simple love songs and utilizing technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes. Pop music has absorbed influences from most other forms of popular music, but as a genre is particularly associated with the rock and roll and later rock style.
The term "pop song," is first recorded as being used in 1926 in the sense of a piece of music "having popular appeal". According to Grove Music Online, the term "pop music" "originated in Britain in the mid-1950s as a description for Rock and roll and the new youth music styles that it influenced..." The Oxford Dictionary of Music states that while pop's "[e]arlier meaning meant concerts appealing to a wide audience...[,] [s]ince the late 1950s, however, pop has had the special meaning of non‐classical mus[ic], usually in the form of songs, performed by such artists as the Beatles, The Rolling Stone, ABBA, etc."
Hatch and Millward define pop music as "a body of music which is distinguishable from popular, jazz and folk musics" and they state that the "birth of the pop music industry" was with the "discovery of Jimmie Rodgers in 1927". Hatch and Millward claim that pop music is distinguished from other popular music, such as Hollywood soundtrack music or Tin Pan Alleymusic in that pop music relies on an "aural tradition" (learning "by ear" from records or other musicians), whereas other popular music forms were transmitted via sheet music.
Grove Music Online also states that "...in the early 1960s [the term] ‘pop music’ competed terminologically with Beat Music [in England], while in the USA its coverage overlapped (as it still does) with that of ‘rock and roll’." Chambers' Dictionary mentions the contemporary usage of the term "pop art"; Grove Music Online states that the "term pop music...seems to have been a spin-off from the terms pop art and pop culture, coined slightly earlier, and referring to a whole range of new, often American, media-culture products".
From about 1967 the term was increasingly used in opposition to the term rock music, a division that gave generic significance to both terms. Whereas rock aspired to authenticity and an expansion of the possibilities of popular music, pop was more commercial, ephemeral and accessible. According to Simon Frith pop music is produced "as a matter of enterprise not art", is "designed to appeal to everyone" and "doesn't come from any particular place or mark off any particular taste." It is "not driven by any significant ambition except profit and commercial reward...and, in musical terms, it is essentially conservative." It is "provided from on high (by record companies, radio programmers and concert promoters) rather than being made from below...Pop is not a do-it-yourself music but is professionally produced and packaged."
Although pop music is often seen as oriented towards the singles charts, as a genre it is not the sum of all chart music, which has always contained songs from a variety of sources, including classical, jazz, rock, and novelty songs, while pop music as a genre is usually seen as existing and developing separately. Thus "pop music" may be used to describe a distinct genre, aimed at a youth market, often characterized as a softer alternative to rock and roll.
Tanjung Priok Menangis
Pengadilan ad hoc HAM Jakarta Pusat melakukan rekonstruksi kerusuhan Tanjung Priok yang terjadi 12 September 1984. Rekonstruksi itu digelar untuk mengetahui lebih jelas mengenai kasus pelanggaran HAM berat yang memakan korban 23 orang tewas akibat ditembak aparat keamanan. "Mereka yang didakwakan ini kan pelaku lapangan. Jadi kita ingin melihat kejadiannya di sana," kata Andi Samsangaro, ketua majelis hakim, Jumat (4/6) di Jakarta.
Persidangan lapangan dengan terdakwa Sutrisno Mascung dkk., anggota Regu III Arhanudse-6 ini dimulai dengan menyusuri panggung ceramah di Jalan Sindang, Jakarta Utara, tempat massa pimpinan almarhum Amir Biki berceramah menuju Mapolres Jakarta Utara. Panggung ceramah terletak persis di depan Jalan Lorong 102. Rumah itu sekarang ditempati Yayasan Masjid Al Mutaqarrabin.
Menurut Husein Syafei, saksi korban dalam kasus itu, massa yang ingin membebaskan keempat rekan mereka yang ditahan di Makodim 0502 Jakarta Utara itu bergerak dari Jalan Sindang menuju Mapolres Jakarta Utara. Setiba di persimpangan Pasar Jaya Rawa Badak, sebagian massa bergerak lurus ke Jalan Sindang dan sebagian melewati Jl. Anggrek.
Dalam perjalanannya Amir Bunadi, saksi lainnya, mengungkapkan massa sempat melempari Gereja Masehi Advent Ketujuh di Jalan Anggrek 17. "Pada saat itu saya pribadi memang berniat jihad," kata Amir Bunadi saat ditanya alasan pelemparan batu tersebut. Husein sendiri tidak mengetahui adanya pelemparan batu itu karena ia sedang berada di depan sambil membawa bendera.
Ribuan orang itu jumlahnya kian bertambah. Penambahan itu, menurut keterangan Amir Bunadi karena saat melintasi Bioskop Lido, bertepatan dengan saat bubaran pegawai toko dan penonton bioskop.
Massa kemudian bergerak menuju Jalan Yos Sudarso. Di ujung Jalan Sindang, dekat persimpangan jalan tersebut dengan Jalan Yos Sudarso, Nurdin, saksi, mengungkapkan melihat lima orang berpakain hitam-hitam yang membawa senjata tajam. "Mereka itu pengawal penceramah. Tugasnya hanya mengawal," kata Nurdin.
Massa kemudian bergerak sambil meneriakkan Allahu Akbar sambil melewati Jalan Yos Sudarso. Mendekati Mapolres Jakarta Utara, menurut Husein Syafei, ia telah berhadapan dengan barisan pasukan Regu III Arhanudse-6. "Saya juga tidak melihat adanya truk tentara," katanya.
Sementara itu, menurut versi terdakwa Sutrisno Mascung, pimpinan pasukan itu, mereka tidak bisa membentuk barisan karena saat masih berada di dalam truk Reo. Pasukan yang diangkut dengan truk itu baru datang dari arah berlawanan dengan massa dan baru sempat memutar, tak jauh di depan Mapolres Jakarta Utara. "Massa telah memadati jalan dan di dalam truk saya dengar bunyi batu dilempar," katanya.
Ketika massa tiba di depan polres, Nurdin, saksi melihat seorang aparat bertubuh tinggi --yang menurutnya seorang pemimpin--, menggunakan pengeras suara mengucapkan assalam'u alaikum dan menanyakan pimpinan massa tersebut. Setelah itulah meletus kerusuhan berdarah tersebut.
Satu aparat, menurut Sutrisno, telah bercucuran darah akibat lemparan batu. Zulfatta, korban tersebut terkena lemparan batu di kepalanya. Husein yang berada di depan massa terkena tembakan di kaki. Ia juga seorang warga ditembak di samping kiri dan kanannya. Massa yang tidak terbendung itu akhirnya ditembak hingga menewaskan 23 orang dan satu orang aparat luka akibat lemparan batu.
Rekonstruksi ini kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan barang bukti berupa truk Reo yang digunakan pasukan Arhanudse-6 dan untuk mengangkat korban kerusuhan itu. Pemeriksaan dilakukan di Gudang PT Halisa Indah Raya, Kamal, Jakarta Utara. Hasilnya dari empat truk yang diduga digunakan itu ternyata hanya ada tiga buah saja yang masih bisa dikenali. Tiga truk itu diantaranya bernomor 2977, 2978 dan 2987 sedangkan yang sisanya yakni nomor 2981 sudah tidak bisa diketahui nomor casisnya. Terdakwa sendiri saat ditanyai tidak mengetahui nomor truk yang mereka pakai.
Persidangan ini direncanakan akan dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan senjata SKS yang digunakan Regu III Arhanudse-6 dalam peristiwa tersebut. Pemeriksaan barang bukti itu akan dilakukan di Sidoarjo, Jumat pekan depan.
Tanjung Priok Menangis
Persidangan lapangan dengan terdakwa Sutrisno Mascung dkk., anggota Regu III Arhanudse-6 ini dimulai dengan menyusuri panggung ceramah di Jalan Sindang, Jakarta Utara, tempat massa pimpinan almarhum Amir Biki berceramah menuju Mapolres Jakarta Utara. Panggung ceramah terletak persis di depan Jalan Lorong 102. Rumah itu sekarang ditempati Yayasan Masjid Al Mutaqarrabin.
Menurut Husein Syafei, saksi korban dalam kasus itu, massa yang ingin membebaskan keempat rekan mereka yang ditahan di Makodim 0502 Jakarta Utara itu bergerak dari Jalan Sindang menuju Mapolres Jakarta Utara. Setiba di persimpangan Pasar Jaya Rawa Badak, sebagian massa bergerak lurus ke Jalan Sindang dan sebagian melewati Jl. Anggrek.
Dalam perjalanannya Amir Bunadi, saksi lainnya, mengungkapkan massa sempat melempari Gereja Masehi Advent Ketujuh di Jalan Anggrek 17. "Pada saat itu saya pribadi memang berniat jihad," kata Amir Bunadi saat ditanya alasan pelemparan batu tersebut. Husein sendiri tidak mengetahui adanya pelemparan batu itu karena ia sedang berada di depan sambil membawa bendera.
Ribuan orang itu jumlahnya kian bertambah. Penambahan itu, menurut keterangan Amir Bunadi karena saat melintasi Bioskop Lido, bertepatan dengan saat bubaran pegawai toko dan penonton bioskop.
Massa kemudian bergerak menuju Jalan Yos Sudarso. Di ujung Jalan Sindang, dekat persimpangan jalan tersebut dengan Jalan Yos Sudarso, Nurdin, saksi, mengungkapkan melihat lima orang berpakain hitam-hitam yang membawa senjata tajam. "Mereka itu pengawal penceramah. Tugasnya hanya mengawal," kata Nurdin.
Massa kemudian bergerak sambil meneriakkan Allahu Akbar sambil melewati Jalan Yos Sudarso. Mendekati Mapolres Jakarta Utara, menurut Husein Syafei, ia telah berhadapan dengan barisan pasukan Regu III Arhanudse-6. "Saya juga tidak melihat adanya truk tentara," katanya.
Sementara itu, menurut versi terdakwa Sutrisno Mascung, pimpinan pasukan itu, mereka tidak bisa membentuk barisan karena saat masih berada di dalam truk Reo. Pasukan yang diangkut dengan truk itu baru datang dari arah berlawanan dengan massa dan baru sempat memutar, tak jauh di depan Mapolres Jakarta Utara. "Massa telah memadati jalan dan di dalam truk saya dengar bunyi batu dilempar," katanya.
Ketika massa tiba di depan polres, Nurdin, saksi melihat seorang aparat bertubuh tinggi --yang menurutnya seorang pemimpin--, menggunakan pengeras suara mengucapkan assalam'u alaikum dan menanyakan pimpinan massa tersebut. Setelah itulah meletus kerusuhan berdarah tersebut.
Satu aparat, menurut Sutrisno, telah bercucuran darah akibat lemparan batu. Zulfatta, korban tersebut terkena lemparan batu di kepalanya. Husein yang berada di depan massa terkena tembakan di kaki. Ia juga seorang warga ditembak di samping kiri dan kanannya. Massa yang tidak terbendung itu akhirnya ditembak hingga menewaskan 23 orang dan satu orang aparat luka akibat lemparan batu.
Rekonstruksi ini kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan barang bukti berupa truk Reo yang digunakan pasukan Arhanudse-6 dan untuk mengangkat korban kerusuhan itu. Pemeriksaan dilakukan di Gudang PT Halisa Indah Raya, Kamal, Jakarta Utara. Hasilnya dari empat truk yang diduga digunakan itu ternyata hanya ada tiga buah saja yang masih bisa dikenali. Tiga truk itu diantaranya bernomor 2977, 2978 dan 2987 sedangkan yang sisanya yakni nomor 2981 sudah tidak bisa diketahui nomor casisnya. Terdakwa sendiri saat ditanyai tidak mengetahui nomor truk yang mereka pakai.
Persidangan ini direncanakan akan dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan senjata SKS yang digunakan Regu III Arhanudse-6 dalam peristiwa tersebut. Pemeriksaan barang bukti itu akan dilakukan di Sidoarjo, Jumat pekan depan.
Rabu, 14 April 2010
The Destroyer "Shaquille O'neal"
Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal (Born on March 6, 1972), nicknamed "Shaq", is an American professional basketball player, rapper, actor, reserve police officer and a U.S. Deputy Marshal. He is widely perceived as one of the most dominant players in the history of the NBA. Standing at 7 ft 1 in (2.16 m) and weighing 325 pounds (147 kg), he is one of the largest players ever to play in the NBA. Throughout his 17 year career, O'Neal has used his size and strength to overpower opponents for points and rebounds. With the retirement of Lindsey Hunter on March 5, 2010, O'Neal is currently the oldest active player in the NBA.
Following a standout career at Louisiana State University, O'Neal was drafted by the Orlando Magic with the first overall pick in the 1992 NBA Draft. He quickly became one of the top centers in the league, winning Rookie of the year in 1992-93 and later leading his team to the 1995 NBA Finals. After 4 years with the Magic, O'Neal signed as a free agent with the Los Angeles Lakers. He won three consecutive championships, playing alongside Kobe Bryant, in 2000, 2001, and 2002. However O'Neal's relationship with Bryant eventually declined into a feud, leading to his trade to the Miami Heat in 2004. He won his fourth NBA championship in 2006, but was traded midway through the season just a year and a half later to the Phoenix Suns. After a season-and-a-half with the Suns, O'Neal was traded to the Cleveland Cavaliers, where he is playing alongside LeBron James in the 2009–10 season.
O'Neal's individual accolades include the 1999-00 MVP award, the 1992–93 NBA Rookie of the Year award, 15 All-Star game selections, 3 All-Star Game MVPs, 3 Finals MVPs, 2 scoring titles, 14 All-NBA team selections, and 3 NBA All-Defensive Team selections. He currently ranks 5th all-time in points scored, 6th in field goals, 14th in rebounds, and 7th in blocks.
In addition to his basketball career, O'Neal has released 4 rap albums, with his first, Shaq Diesel, going platinum. He has also appeared in numerous films and has starred in his own reality shows, Shaq's Big Challenge and Shaq Vs.Lakers, Subscriber Of Many Title
The Los Angeles Lakers are a National Basketball Association (NBA) team based in Los Angeles, California. The Lakers play their home games at Staples Center, which they share with their fellow NBA rival, the Los Angeles Clippers, and their sister team, the Los Angeles Sparks of the WNBA. The Lakers are the current NBA champions after defeating the Orlando Magic in the Finals 4 games to 1. In June 2009, basketball analyst and writer John Hollinger ranked the Lakers as the greatest NBA franchise of all time.
The Lakers' franchise was founded in 1946 in Detroit, Michigan before moving to Minneapolis, where the team got its official title from the state's nickname, "Land of 10,000 Lakes." The Lakers won five championships before relocating to Los Angeles in the 1960–61 season. The Lakers lost all of their eight appearances in the NBA Finals in the 1960s, despite having help from Elgin Baylor and Jerry West. In 1972, the Lakers won their sixth title, first in Los Angeles, under coach Bill Sharman. The Lakers' popularity soared in the 1980s when they won five additional championships during a nine-year span with the leadership of Hall of Famers Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, James Worthy and coach Pat Riley, the franchise's all-time leader in regular season game wins and playoff games coached and wins. Two of those championships during that span were against their arch-rivals, the Boston Celtics. From 2000 to 2002, the Lakers won three titles consecutively with the help of Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe Bryant, and Hall of Fame coach Phil Jackson. After losing both the 2004 and 2008 NBA Finals, the Lakers captured the championship for the 15th time in 2009, defeating the Orlando Magic four games to one.
The Lakers hold records for having (into the 2009–10 season) the most wins (3,000), the highest winning percentage (61.8%), the most NBA Finals appearances (30), the second fewest non-playoff seasons with five (San Antonio Spurs have four), and the second-most NBA championships with 15, behind the Boston Celtics' 17. They also hold the record for compiling the longest consecutive win streak (33) in U.S. professional team sports (also an NBA record) in the 1971–72 season. 14 Hall of Famers have played for the Lakers, while four Hall of Famers (John Kundla, Bill Sharman, Pat Riley and Phil Jackson) have coached the team. Four Lakers (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant) have won the NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP) award for a total of 8 MVP awards.
Kobe Byrant, The Magician Of The Field
Kobe Bean Bryant (born August 23, 1978) is an American shooting guard who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Bryant enjoyed a successful high school basketball career and made instant headlines when he decided to go directly into the NBA upon graduation. He was selected with the 13th overall pick in the 1996 NBA Draft by the Charlotte Hornets, then traded to the Los Angeles Lakers. Bryant and then-teammate Shaquille O'Neal led the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from 2000 to 2002. After O'Neal's departure following the 2003–04 season, Bryant became the cornerstone of the Lakers franchise. He led the NBA in scoring during the 2005–06 and 2006–07 seasons. In 2006, Bryant scored a career high 81 points against the Toronto Raptors, the second highest number of points scored in a single game in NBA history, second only to Wilt Chamberlain's 100 point performance.
Bryant was awarded the regular season's Most Valuable Player Award (MVP) in the 2007–08 season and led his team to the 2008 NBA Finals as the first seed in the Western Conference. He won his fourth NBA championship in 2009, leading the Lakers to their fifteenth title. He also won his first Finals MVP award. In 2008, he won a gold medal as a member of the 2008 Summer Olympics U.S. Men's Basketball Team, occasionally referred to as "The Redeem Team," a play on the name of the first Olympic team that featured NBA players, the Dream Team. Since his second year in the league, Bryant has started in every NBA All-Star Game that has been hosted, winning the All-Star MVP award in 2002, 2007, and 2009. In 2009 Bryant had the top-selling jersey in the United States, Europe, and China. Although known by several names throughout his career, Bryant's current nickname is Black Mamba. After having been represented by Arn Tellem, Bryant is now represented by Rob Pelinka. In 2010, Bryant became the all-time leading scorer in Lakers history.
In 2003, Bryant made headlines when he was accused of sexual assault at a hotel in Edwards, Colorado by a hotel employee. Bryant admitted an adulterous sexual encounter with the accuser, but denied the sexual assault allegation. In September 2004, prosecutors dropped the case after his accuser informed them that she was unwilling to testify. Bryant's accuser brought a separate civil suit against him that was ultimately settled out of court.